Midweek Links

We’re halfway through the week, which means our (okay, my) brains are not really functioning enough to process deepish things, like book reviews or philosophical life pnderings (which you really don’t get here anyway, but that’s beside the point). So how about some quick and interesting links to visit instead as you wait out the interminable two days that are left until the weekend? Read More »

A Weekend in Boston


When my friend and travel buddy texted that she needed to go somewhere or she would explode, I knew just what she meant (I was feeling the same way!) and just what to suggest: Boston. As much as I love traveling to new places, Boston remains one of my favorite cities to return to on occasion. Maybe it’s because I enjoy seeing family who live there. Maybe it’s because of the city’s intriguing blend of historic and modern. Maybe it’s the traditions that Bostonians stubbornly cling to. And maybe it’s just because Boston is one lovely city overall.Read More »