Going for Gingham


Hello everyone, and Happy Wednesday! While it looks like the cold weather is behind us, we are currently being inflicted with alternating temps, so that sometimes we are sleeveless and sometimes we have to layer. This was the case on Easter Sunday, when the morning began very cold but had warmed up quite nicely by the afternoon. It didn’t stop me from wearing my gingham dress from Anthropologie that I purchased on super sale last fall. I was able to wear it a couple of times before putting it away for winter. It felt so good to pull it out, even though I had to cover it with a cardigan to stay warm.Read More »

The Warden: A Review

Confession: I often think that I want to review books I’ve read, just to have a record of my thoughts on the book. Mainly because I know that within six months I’ll have forgotten it already. However, the reality is that I’m very bad at getting it done. For one thing, I typically finish a book and immediately launch (and become absorbed) into another, which removes the recently finished book from my mind. But I am going to try to review books more often, and what better novel to start with than The Warden as I ready myself to begin Barchester Towers (the second in the Chronicles of Barsetshire series) next week with my Trollope group? Read More »

How Disorganized Me is Learning to Becoming Organized

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Something I have always struggled with (and will probably always struggle with) is my inability to be organized. I’m a procrastinator in the truest sense of the word: I wait until I’m under pressure to get something done. This may work out sometimes (I get bursts of creativity under pressure), but when it comes to getting tasks accomplished, or following through on something, this is really not a good approach to life.Read More »