Boston, part 2


At last I’m finishing my Boston series! You guys, summer classes have pretty much killed my free time, but I’m learning to manage my time a bit (okay, not really – at this moment I’m supposed to be working on a research paper but instead I’m procrastinating by blogging. 😉 ). Anyway, here is part 2, and I hope that you enjoy it! Read More »

The Depths of Life

“Life is too deep for words, so don’t try to describe it, just live it.” –C.S. Lewis

Sometimes life feels deep and I want to revel in every moment, plunging into its depths and taking in every joy or wonder that I experience. And sometimes life can feel deep in a different way, and rather than be plunged into its dark profundity, I find myself swimming for the shallows where I know there is footing and safety. Isn’t it fascinating to consider how life can simultaneously give you one and the other, almost in the same breath? This was me last week when I enjoyed afternoons like this:Read More »